029- Tuning into Spiritual Signs


Ligia Costa

Whispers of the Universe: Tuning into Spiritual Signs

The Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer EpisodeThe Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer Episode
TRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia CostaTRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia Costa

T.R.U.S.T ™ Journaling Deck

Connect with your inner voice and explore profound questions that will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Unshakable Self-Worth Course by Ligia CostaUnshakable Self-Worth Course by Ligia Costa

Unshakable Self-Worth

Designed for women struggling with confidence, self-doubt, and negative inner voices, this training addresses the core of low self-worth. Break free from the cycle of self-doubt and foster a life of radiance, resilience, and unwavering self-worth.

Welcome to The Soulcery Podcast, a sanctuary where we will share conversations around healing, soul remembering and spirituality.

In this episode, embark on a soul-nourishing journey as we delve into the profound art of tuning into the spiritual signs that guide your path. Discover the language of the divine, and the profound connection between intuition and the universe, learn practical steps to decipher the signs that lead you towards your destiny, and uncover the patterns of your past that lead you towards a soulful existence.

For more inspiration, please feel free to connect on social media:
: www.instagram.com/iamligiacosta

Episode Highlights:

  • The Connection Between Intuition and the Universe: Discover how your intuition is a sacred channel connecting you to the vast wisdom of the universe.

  • Practical Steps to Decipher Spiritual Signs: Uncover the secrets of recognizing and understanding the signs that the universe is weaving into your path.

  • Exploring the Language of the Divine: Dive deep into the language of the divine – symbols, numbers, and serendipitous encounters – and understand what they mean for your journey.

  • Unravelling Patterns of the Past: Explore the hidden gems in your past, decoding the signs that led you to where you are today and guiding you toward a soulful existence.

  • Trusting the Process and Embracing the Journey: Learn to trust your intuition, embrace the journey, and let it be the guiding force on your extraordinary soul quest.

Trust the process, embrace the journey, and let your intuition be the unwavering compass on your extraordinary soul quest.


The Soul Inquiry for this episode is:

Where in life am I experiencing resistance?


I surrender all expectations.


Designed for women struggling with confidence, self-doubt, and negative inner voices, this training addresses the core of low self-worth. Break free from the cycle of self-doubt and foster a life of radiance, resilience, and unwavering self-worth.


Website - www.ligiacosta.co.uk
Instagram - www.instagram.com/iamligiacosta
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/therealmofthegoddess
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LigiaCosta

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