021- The True Essence of a Spiritual Teacher


Ligia Costa

The True Essence of a Spiritual Teacher

The Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer EpisodeThe Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer Episode
TRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia CostaTRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia Costa

T.R.U.S.T ™ Journaling Deck

Connect with your inner voice and explore profound questions that will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Uncover your True Self eBook by Ligia CostaUncover your True Self eBook by Ligia Costa

Uncover your True Self

Discover your authentic self and break free from limitations with Ligia Costa's e-book, "Uncover Your True Self."

Welcome to The Soulcery Podcast, a sanctuary where we will share conversations around healing, soul remembering and spirituality.

Welcome to The Soulcery Podcast! In this episode, Lígia Costa, your guide on the T.R.U.S.T™ Pathway, explores the true role of a spiritual teacher. Join her as she delves into the levels of spiritual teaching, from guardians of tradition to masters embodying profound awareness. Discover the essence of each level and how spiritual teachers illuminate the path to self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

For more inspiration, please feel free to connect on social media:
: www.instagram.com/iamligiacosta

  1. The Light: Uncover the symbolism of a spiritual teacher as a torchbearer, casting light on the inner path within each of us.

  2. Levels of Spiritual Teaching: Explore the four levels of spiritual teachers and understand the unique roles and impact of each.

  3. Misconceptions about Enlightenment: Learn why misconceptions around enlightenment exist and why a true teacher won't work with every seeker.

  4. Turning Inward: Discover the crucial responsibility of turning inward, unlearning, and navigating the spiritual path with wisdom.

  5. Encouragement for Self-Realization: The importance of inner awareness and how a true teacher guides seekers towards self-realization.

  6. T.R.U.S.T™ Pathway and Personal Journey: Connect with Lígia's T.R.U.S.T™ Pathway and gain insights into your personal journey of self-discovery.


The Soul Inquiry for this episode is:

Who am I when I am fully, completely, divinely me?


I make a difference in the World just by existing



Website - www.ligiacosta.co.uk
Instagram - www.instagram.com/iamligiacosta
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/therealmofthegoddess
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LigiaCosta

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