Ligia Costa, Trauma-Informed Self-Healing Teacher for HSPs from Cardiff, Wales

Discover the Layers of Your Self-Worth

Discover the facets of your personality that intersect with your journey towards recognizing and embracing your inherent worth.

You can be your own Healer

In fact, there isn't a better healer than yourself.

As a Highly Sensitive Soul, you experience life with profound depth and introspection. You often find yourself contemplating the meaning of life and your unique place within it. Though sometimes overwhelming, this sensitivity is a powerful gift that can lead you to a deeper understanding and connection with your true self.

I believe in the power within each of us to heal ourselves. When we embark on this journey of self-healing, we not only transform our own lives but also create ripples of healing for those who came before us and for future generations.

My soul mission is to support you in embracing your inherent power, awakening your authentic self, and answering the calling of your soul. Creating generational change by integrating nervous system regulation with spirituality, this holistic approach will support, educate, and empower you to believe in your own healing capabilities.

Imagine a life where your sensitivity is not a burden but a source of strength, joy, and happiness. By embarking on this journey, you will learn to live your best life, filled with purpose and fulfilment.

You have the power within you to heal, to grow, and to thrive. Let’s unlock that power together.

Olá! I’m a Ligia, a Trauma Informed Self-Healing Teacher, Journaling Therapist and Soul Calling Reader.

As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) myself, I understand the profound depth at which you experience life. My sensitivity has been both a gift and a challenge, intensifying the impact of childhood trauma and shaping my journey of self-discovery and healing.

I work with Highly Sensitive Souls who desire to heal past wounds and embark on their own self-healing journey. Together, we will rediscover who you are at a soul level, remember your truth, and reconnect with your sensitivity and soul’s calling.

I am the Founder and creator of the T.R.U.S.T™ Pathway, a transformative methodology designed to help you move from being wounded to becoming a cycle breaker. Through this pathway, you will heal imprinted ancestral, societal, and childhood conditioning, live an abundantly aligned life, and break the lineage cycle of pain, trauma, and abuse for future generations.

My unique approach combines my life experience, clairvoyance ability, inherent sensitivity and trauma-informed healing. I believe that true healing happens by befriending your shadows, not disowning them. This trauma-informed perspective ensures that we address the root causes of your pain with compassion and understanding, creating a safe space for your healing journey.

As a survivor of childhood abuse, bullying, depression, and anxiety, I know firsthand the struggles of feeling lost, lonely, and disconnected from life. My sensitivity made these experiences even more intense, but it also equipped me with a deep understanding of the healing process. I also understand the fear of the unhealthy footprints that our experiences can leave on our children.

It is my life's mission to heal myself and to help inspire others to end the cycle of trauma and pain with them. By sharing my journey and guiding you through yours, I hope to create a ripple effect of healing and transformation.

Know that I believe you. I hear you. I see you. And I'm here to help you find your own power to self-heal and embrace your sensitivity.

My podcast, The Soulcery Podcast, supports and inspires people to be their own healers and connect with their souls.

Ligia Costa, Trauma-Informed Self-Healing Teacher for HSPs from Cardiff, Wales
Ligia Costa, Trauma-Informed Self-Healing Teacher for HSPs from Cardiff, Wales

''When you heal yourself, you heal your ancestors and your future generations''

Are You a Highly Sensitive Person(HSP) Seeking Guidance?

Are you a sensitive soul seeking guidance on your unique psycho-spiritual journey? Do you feel called to make a difference, but are overwhelmed or stuck with your next steps? Do you feel misunderstood or have a sense that you’re ‘different’ because of your deep sensitivity?
If so, you are likely a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), and I am here to support you.

As a Highly Sensitive Person, you are wired to think, feel, and experience the world more deeply. This biological advantage allows you to process more information about your environment, notice things others miss, and experience profound empathy, creativity, and intuition, but it can also result in feeling easily overwhelmed, misunderstood, and deeply impacted by negative experiences, especially when combined with trauma.

Is This You?

  • Feeling Overwhelmed and Stuck: Do you often feel paralyzed by the intensity of your emotions and the stimuli around you? Does this make it hard to take decisive steps towards your goals and dreams?

  • Feeling Misunderstood and Different: Do you frequently feel like an outsider, yearning for acceptance and understanding, but often finding yourself misunderstood or dismissed because of your deep sensitivity?

  • Struggling with the Impact of Trauma: Have past traumas, especially from childhood, left a deep imprint on you, making it challenging to heal and move forward with confidence and peace?

  • Lack of Sense of Self and Self-Worth: Do you struggle with a consistent sense of who you are and your own value? Many HSPs find it challenging to establish a strong sense of self and often struggle with feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness, despite their many strengths and talents.

Why Traditional Approaches May Not Work for HSPs

Many coaches, counsellors, and therapists aren't familiar with the unique traits of high sensitivity. They might not support your sensitivity in a way that makes you feel fully seen or understood. Furthermore, mainstream approaches often overlook the spiritual and emotional depth that is crucial for HSPs.

Additionally, many professionals are not trauma-informed or qualified to engage in the deeper aspects of our unconscious, such as shadow work, which is critical for our transformation. The transpersonal and integrative approach to coaching does not attempt to diagnose, pathologize, or disregard the spiritual or soul level of our experience.

Why Working with a Trauma-Informed Therapist is Important

As a trauma-informed therapist with specialized training in understanding and addressing trauma, I recognize the deep impact it has on HSPs. This approach ensures that your healing process is handled with the utmost care, sensitivity, and respect for your experiences. It provides a safe space for you to explore and heal past wounds without re-traumatization. 

How My Approach is Different

As a trauma-informed therapist with specialized training, I integrate nervous system regulation with spiritual practices, providing a holistic path to healing. My approach ensures:

  • Safe and Respectful Healing: I create a safe space for you to explore and heal past wounds without re-traumatization.

  • Deep Understanding of Sensitivity: My methods are tailored to honour your high sensitivity, making you feel seen and understood.

  • Holistic and Spiritual Support: I recognize and incorporate the spiritual aspects of your journey, supporting your whole self in the healing process.

The T.R.U.S.T ™ Pathway

T.R.US.T Pathway by Ligia Costa, Trauma Informed Self-Healing Teacher for HSPs
T.R.US.T Pathway by Ligia Costa, Trauma Informed Self-Healing Teacher for HSPs

The T.R.U.S.T™ pathway is your guiding light on the journey to embracing your sensitivity and stepping into your authentic self.

It was born from the understanding that within you lies a powerful inner voice yearning to be heard, ready to provide the wisdom and healing your soul seeks.

With my signature T.R.U.S.T™ Pathway, we embark on a soul-healing journey through five transformative stages, each designed to support highly sensitive souls like you in finding clarity, healing, and empowerment:

It's time to go from feeling overwhelmed and misunderstood, to embracing your sensitivity as a powerful gift

Ligia Costa, Trauma-Informed Self-Healing Teacher for HSPs from Cardiff, WalesLigia Costa, Trauma-Informed Self-Healing Teacher for HSPs from Cardiff, Wales

For sensitive souls like you, who have felt the weight of past traumas and the burden of self-doubt, there is hope and light.

As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), your journey is unique, but it holds the potential for profound transformation. Together, we'll unravel the layers of trauma and self-limiting beliefs, unlocking the path to deep healing and empowerment.

Through our work together, you'll rediscover your inner strength, cultivate a strong sense of self-worth, and embrace your sensitivity as the gift that it is and that guides you towards a life filled with joy, fulfilment, and purpose.

Together we will find your way to heal.

T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Truth
T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Truth
T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Reflection
T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Reflection
T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Unravel
T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Unravel
T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Soul
T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Soul
T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Thrive
T.R.U.S.T™ pathway by Ligia Costa, Thrive

Work with Ligia




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DIY Masterclasses, self-study courses for inner deeper transformation and self-healing, Ligia Costa
personalised oracle, dream, soul readings and one to one support, Ligia Costa
personalised oracle, dream, soul readings and one to one support, Ligia Costa
The Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa
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